fantasy castleHello to all hobbits, trolls, goblins and elves! My name is Stephanie Graeme, but most people call me Steph, and you can too if you’d like! I mean, Stephanie is kind of a long name, isn’t it? Anyway, I’m getting off track (you’d find that I tend to do this a lot). I’ve lived all my life in a small, boring village in Essex called Epping Green, which is about 15 miles away from London and has a population of, like, three and a half people. Don’t get me wrong, the village is incredibly peaceful and I love it to death (if you’ve ever played the game “Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture”, Epping Green is basically EXACTLY like Yaughton from the game), but there’s also not a whole lot to do here. I have to catch the bus and go to London if I want to go to the cinema or something like that. Nowadays it’s a bit easier because of the Internet (even if my connection is so bad that simply publishing this post to my blog will take roughly 10 minutes), but when I was a child there was pretty much nothing to do other than hang around with the same 2-3 friends I’ve had since we were babies. But my grandfather has always been a book collector – he’s got a library of literally hundreds upon hundreds of books, to the point where a good chunk of them can’t even be displayed on his gigantic bookshelf! When I was about 8 he introduced me to fantasy, and honestly, I’ve been hooked ever since! Even in the modern age of premium television and YouTube, for me there’s nothing quite like a good fantasy novel! That’s not the only genre I read, obviously, but I do primarily gravitate towards fantasy, to the point where I literally won’t shut up about it if asked! That’s why I decided to create this blog and perhaps recommend some good fantasy books to people who are interested. I know that it’s mostly going to be friends and family that’ll be reading, but I don’t mind – I still hope I can be helpful to as many people as I can! Look forward to reviews, news and other articles in the near future! Cheerio!


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